Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Blog Post #2: John Muir & Yosemite National Park

This summer, I had the opportunity to travel to England, Scotland, Ireland, and Northern Ireland after having completed two different courses offered here at Rocky Mountain College. The England/Scotland portion of the trip was heavily influenced by British Romantic Literature. So, most of the locations we stopped were predetermined based on the authors we learned about, the areas that influenced their writings, and the places they actually visited or resided when writing prominent pieces of work we still talk about today.

However, as we were leaving Edinburgh, Scotland, on our way back to England, we took a slight detour to Dunbar, Scotland, to visit the birth place of John Muir. Muir is better known as the founder of the Sierra Club, but was also an important advocate to help preserve Yosemite as a National Park in the United States. Prior to this trip, I was fortunate enough to actually learn about Muir and his influence in an Environmental Communication course. Though Muir personally chose to write about the area to defend its beauty and prominence, over time photos have largely helped support his perspective on why Yosemite should be protected for all to enjoy.

National Geographic produces a plethora of wonderful photographs from all over the world, and it's no surprise they've produced amazing photos of Yosemite National Park as well. The photograph pictured below, I think, is probably one of the best representations of the park. Though I have not been there (yet), I have heard a lot and learned about it's untouched beauty, and I hope that day I'd either be able to witness it myself in person and/or be able to capture something as representative as this photograph.

I'm not as eloquent as Muir was when it comes to writing, but I am a bit more confident that I can help provide additional visual aide's to confirm why we should preserve specific areas of nature in the United States, like Yosemite National Park.

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